оперативно работают западные фанвиддеры. из этого видео всего за 2 минуты 46 секунд вы узнаете, почему вам просто НЕОБХОДИМО посмотреть данную дораму )) и все сделано по первой серии, так что лично я бы спойлеров не боялась ))
It seemed unfair that every outfit he was ever made to wear came with a pair of furry shorts, not only because they felt more embarrassing than whatever monstrosity was then placed upon his head, but also because it made him sweat in regions he really didn't want to think about and certainly couldn't talk about in the presence of women and children. He'd never seen a bird or an acorn that he'd consider furry either, which made him suspect that the budget for the wardrobe department required some re-using of materials. After all, the rest of his costumes tended to be skin tight - it made sense that something be put in place to keep things appropriate.
вот лично я из этого видео узнала, что девочки-библиотекарши из японской и из корейской версий Maou выглядят ну совершенно одинаково. вот думаю - смотреть корейскую версию или нет...